Arbeidsrecht Actueel 567
Since an employer had failed to express the reason why the employment contract with a chronically ill employee had not been extended, the Sub-district Court assumed that the chronic illness had been the reason. Therefore the employer had acted...
Arbeidsrecht Actueel 566
An employee had claimed compensation for injury from his employer after an industrial accident. The Court ordered the employee to make the GP’s medical record over the two-year period preceding the industrial accident available to the employer,...
Arbeidsrecht Actueel 565
A labour incapacitated employee who, for a month and a half, had failed to respond to calls from his employer, asking to comply with his reintegration obligations, and who had been inaccessible all the while, was rightly dismissed by his...
Arbeidsrecht Actueel 564
In a short period of time, an employer lost nine employees, who all entered the service of the same new employer. In summary proceedings, the Sub-district Court prohibited two of the former employees from approaching employees for starting...
Arbeidsrecht Actueel 563
A municipality was allowed to prohibit an employee with a coordinating role in executing work relating to the municipality’s trees and other greenery from carrying out any ancillary activities relating to pruning and maintenance of greenery within...
Arbeidsrecht Actueel 563
Een gemeente mocht een werknemer die een coördinerende rol vervult bij het uitvoeren van werkzaamheden met betrekking tot bomen en andere groenvoorzieningen binnen de gemeente verbieden om binnen de grenzen van de gemeente nevenwerkzaamheden te...