Labour Law Topics

Dubious Recruitment Practices Lead to Restraining Orders under Penalty of a Fine

Arbeidsrecht Actueel 564

Dubious Recruitment Practices Lead to Restraining Orders under Penalty of a Fine

In a short period of time, an employer lost nine employees, who all entered the service of the same new employer. In summary proceedings, the Sub-district Court prohibited two of the former employees from approaching employees for starting...

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Invoking a Ban on Ancillary Activities is Objectively Justified

Arbeidsrecht Actueel 563

Invoking a Ban on Ancillary Activities is Objectively Justified

A municipality was allowed to prohibit an employee with a coordinating role in executing work relating to the municipality’s trees and other greenery from carrying out any ancillary activities relating to pruning and maintenance of greenery within...

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Beroep op verbod van nevenwerkzaamheden is objectief gerechtvaardigd

Arbeidsrecht Actueel 563

Beroep op verbod van nevenwerkzaamheden is objectief gerechtvaardigd

Een gemeente mocht een werknemer die een coördinerende rol vervult bij het uitvoeren van werkzaamheden met betrekking tot bomen en andere groenvoorzieningen binnen de gemeente verbieden om binnen de grenzen van de gemeente nevenwerkzaamheden te...

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Employment Contract of Long-term Incapacitated Employee, to whom the UWV had Granted a WGA-benefit without an Insurance Medical Examination, was Dissolved

Arbeidsrecht Actueel 562

Employment Contract of Long-term Incapacitated Employee, to whom the UWV had Granted a WGA-benefit without an Insurance Medical Examination, was Dissolved

The fact that no recent medical UWV information about an incapacitated employee was available, due to the simplified assessment claims of employees aged 60 and over, did not preclude dissolution of the employment contract for long-term labour...

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Compulsory Affiliation with the Industry-wide Pension Fund on the Basis of the Literal Reading of the Text

Arbeidsrecht Actueel 561

Compulsory Affiliation with the Industry-wide Pension Fund on the Basis of the Literal Reading of the Text

A wholesale company in promotional items and business gifts fell under the requirements for participation in the pension fund for the Fashion, Interior, Carpet, and Textile industries because it also sold and had textile items printed. The fact that...

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Audit Firm Liable for Damages Caused by an Error in the Payroll Administration

Arbeidsrecht Actueel 560

Audit Firm Liable for Damages Caused by an Error in the Payroll Administration

An audit firm that carried out a client’s payroll administration had failed to inform the employer that the employer’s obligation to pay a certain allowance under the CLA had expired. When the employer, who had just continued the allowance...

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