Change of address

Since we have outgrown our current office building on Korvelseweg, we will relocate on Friday 24 June 2022. As of Monday 27 June 2022 our company address will be: J. Asselbergsweg 58, 5026 RR Tilburg.

Due to the relocation, we cannot welcome you at our office on Thursday 23 June 2022 and on Friday 24 June 2022. Those days, our lawyers and case managers will work from their homes. They will be available, however, via our company’s telephone number.

Name Changes

At the same time when we relocate, we introduce two name changes:

  • Kantoor Mr. van Zijl B.V. changes to Van Zijl Advocaten B.V.
  • Van Zijl Casemanagement B.V. changes to Van Zijl Casemanagement en Advies B.V.
Change of email addresses

In this context, also our Email addresses will change.

Change of mailbox number Van Zijl Casemanagement B.V.

Finally, the current PO box number of Van Zijl Casemanagement B.V. will expire. Instead, you can use the PO Box number of Kantoor Mr. van Zijl

New contact details

Below this page you will find our new contact details.

You may think that a festive occasion such as moving into a new office building requires the sending of a present or a gift. We would like to ask you, though, to refrain from doing so. Instead, we want to inform you that we will transfer any donation that will deposited in the bank account NL93 RABO 0189 9136 14 in the name of “Kantoor Mr. van Zijl regarding opening office building” to bank account number 555 of the Cooperating Aid Organizations, to be spent on the reception of people in and from Ukraine. After August 1, we will close this special bank account again and publish the total amount of the donations here. Thank you in advance!

The new office building is located on business park “Het Laar”. Very easily accessible for our clients and relations who arrive from outside Tilburg. From motorway A-58 leave the motorway (Breda-Eindhoven) at exit 11 (Tilburg-Centrum, Tilburg-West). It is the same exit they would use to drive to our current office. Then keep right for Ringbaan Zuid. Just before arriving at the intersection near the Koning Willem II stadium, you will find Business Park Het Laar on the right hand side. Turn right at the first traffic lights (Dr. Huub van Doorneweg). Then, at the bus stop (line 8), turn left (Charles Stulemeijerweg). Next turn right into J. Asselbergsweg and take the first road to the left (also J. Asselbergsweg) to reach our office building at the end of the road.

See the map below, that -for orientation- also indicates the distance to our current office building.

The planning of our new office building was governed by the assumption that, on average, the employees will work from home for about half of their time. The assumption is based on a consulting and needs assessment of our employees. Since maintaining contacts with colleagues and meeting clients and relations were important reasons for working in the office, in the planning special attention was given to the meeting facilities of the building.

The exterior of the building was given a thorough renovation by replacing the doors and frames and a different colouring of the eaves.

This picture shows the entrance hall, with the workspace for the secretarial staff.

In order to break the monotony of the suspended ceilings, photo ceilings were installed at some locations.

Two consultation rooms were set up for meetings with clients and relations. A relocatable partition makes is possible to turn these rooms into one larger one. The consultation rooms are furnished with hand-painted lava stone tables from Deruta (Umbria, Italy).

There is an additional multifunctional room, to be used for training and discussion purposes, but also fit to have lunch together. It has an open, be it lockable, connection to the kitchen that can also be used as a bar. Hopefully we a can have a drink there once a week after working hours. This multifunctional space is named after our colleague Richard Bruurs, who unexpectedly passed away in 2010.

27 workplaces were set up in our new office building. In accordance with the requests of our lawyers and case managers, the workplaces intended for them are largely located in private offices that are made ready for use by a single person. This will enable them to alternately work concentrated, without being disturbed by others, and to consult clients, relations and counterparties by telephone, without disturbing others. Since the case managers prefer to work in the same space when they are in the office, an open office has been set up for them with several (cubical) workplaces. Furthermore, there is a co-working office for the financial administration and also the workplaces for the secretarial employees were put together, so as to stimulate consultation and coordination in their activities.

The meeting purpose of the building is stimulated by extensive use of glass in the facilities. This enables our lawyers and case managers to close the door of their office in order to be able to work quietly and yet to maintain visual contact with passing colleagues.

Some offices were provided with a so-called “visual”; a large image consisting of a frame with a stretched canvas. We opted for images giving a second life to the illustrations, over the recent years made by Ton van den Bergh for our company, usually meant for our Christmas cards.

The roofing, glass and all technical installations were replaced to make the premises sustainable. A heat pump provides both heating and cooling. Solar panels on the roof play a significant role in generating electrical power. After the renovation, the office building has been disconnected from the gas network.

If your curiosity is piqued and you would like to see our new office building yourself. That is possible. We have decided, however, not to organize an official opening or an open door day for our clients and relations. This might lead to so many visitors that we would never be able to welcome them in a proper and personal way. But we will be happy to take the time to show you our new office building on the first occasion you visit to our company.

New contact details

Please click below for our new contact details.

Currently: Changes to:
Name: Kantoor Mr. van Zijl B.V. Van Zijl Advocaten B.V.
Visiting address: Korvelseweg 142
5025 JL Tilburg
J. Asselbergsweg 58
5026 RR Tilburg
Postal address: Postbus 1095
5004 BB Tilburg
no change
Telephone number: 013 4635599 no change
Fax number: 013 4632266 no change

Currently: Changes to:
Name: Van Zijl Casemanagement B.V. Van Zijl Casemanagement en Advies B.V.
Visiting address: Korvelseweg 142
5025 JL Tilburg
J. Asselbergsweg 58
5026 RR Tilburg
Postal address: Postbus 1146
5004 BC Tilburg
Postbus 1095
5004 BB Tilburg
Telephone number: 013 7620112 no change
Fax number: 013 7620113 no change
Website: ongewijzigd
Email: ongewijzigd

N.B.: Van Zijl Opleidingen is een door de Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten erkende opleidingsinstelling die opleidingen verzorgt die zijn afgestemd op de specifieke opleidingsbehoeften van de advocaten van Van Zijl Advocaten.

Currently: Changes to:
Name: Van Zijl Opleidingen B.V. no change
Visiting address: Korvelseweg 142
5025 JL Tilburg
J. Asselbergsweg 58
5026 RR Tilburg
Postal address: Postbus 1095
5004 BB Tilburg
no change
Telephone number: 013 4635599 no change
Fax number: 013 4632266 no change
Website: no change
Email: no change

Currently: Changes to:
Name: Stichting Beheer Derdengelden Kantoor Mr. van Zijl Stichting Beheer Derdengelden Van Zijl Advocaten
Visiting address: Korvelseweg 142
5025 JL Tilburg
J. Asselbergsweg 58
5026 RR Tilburg
Postal address: Postbus 1095
5004 BB Tilburg
no change
Telephone number: 013 4635599 no change
Fax number: 013 4632266 no change

Currently: Changes to:
Name: Stichting Klachtenregeling Ongewenste Omgangsvormen no change
Visiting address: Korvelseweg 142
5025 JL Tilburg
J. Asselbergsweg 58
5026 RR Tilburg
Postal address: Postbus 1095
5004 BB Tilburg
no change
Telephone number: 013 4635599 no change
Fax number: 013 4632266 no change
Website: no change
Email: no change

Wij verzoeken u om uw eventuele facturen voor de onderstaande organisaties uitsluitend per Email te verzenden aan het Emailadres:

  • Van Zijl Advocaten B.V.
  • Van Zijl Casemanagement en Advies B.V.
  • Van Zijl Opleidingen B.V.
  • Doe het goed B.V.
  • Doe maar gewoon B.V.
  • Stichting Beheer Derdengelden Van Zijl Advocaten
  • Stichting Klachtenregeling Ongewenste Omgangsvormen

Currently: Changes to:
Mirjam Borgers
Mariëtta Feiken
Wilan van Kuijk
Carolien Schuren
Corrie van der Steen
Nicole van der Stokker
Saskia Stoop
Connie de Wit
Liesbet Wouterse
Sanne Wuisman
Joop van Zijl
Juridisch medewerker
Franceska Severijnen
no change
Casemanagers/adviseurs Ziektewet en WIA
Cynthia Chudaska
no change
Marja Florax
Maike Hommeles
Christa Jacobs
Sanne Muilwijk
Michèle Sonneveld
Mi Sun van der Tuin
Sandra Fonken (50%)
Nicolle Haen
Ingrid Hobbelen
Esther Matse
Marijke Spruit
Financiële administratie
Sandra Fonken (50%)
Marijke van Zijl
Facilitair manager en directie-assistent
Cas van Zijl